Wednesday Morning...
We awaited a call from the lawyer telling us exactly how much we needed to bring to closing. Since we needed a cashier's check, we had to schedule in a trip to the bank. While we waited, we were on our way to the new house for our final walk through when we got a call from our Realtor. The sellers were not out of the house yet. So... we turned around and waited some more.
Our walk through ended up being at 1pm (closing now scheduled for 2) where we discovered, they STILL hadn't taken everything out of the house. We were also waiting for some town permits to be closed for work we had asked the sellers to do. So... the sellers realtor, grabbed one of our keys they had left us so she could get someone to empty the stuff out. She would meet us at the closing with the key. Sounds like no big deal.
It's now about 3pm and we are just arriving to the Registry of Deeds where our closing is to take place. We start signing our life away with our lawyer. Once everything was signed... we waited some more. We still hadn't received the closed permits saying the work was done correctly, and still there was no sign of their realtor with the extra key. We had the rest of the pile of keys with us, but weren't sure which was which. Our lawyer finally got an email with copies of the closed permits and with 10 minutes to spare submitted our paperwork to the Registry of Deeds. By 4pm we were officially home owners.
So now your thinking... this is where the story ends? One would think. But not in our case. We still had to go and make sure the stuff they were suppose to remove was out of the house. Around 5pm, we get to the home... its getting dark. Try every single key they gave us in every single door. None of them work. So... we're on the phone with our realtor trying to get her to get ahold of their realtor. Turns out their realtor left the extra key on the counter inside because she couldn't make it to our closing in time. FANTASTIC. We were homeowners locked out of our own home.
By now its completely dark so we decide if we're going to call a locksmith to get us in, it would have to wait till morning. Around 8pm or so... my phone rings. It's our realtor again. She informs me that she went out to dinner with her daughter and in walks the sellers! She went over and told them what happened and asked if any of them may have an additional key to the house. One of the sellers reaches into her purse and pulls out her keys and says "I may have given them the wrong key." So she gives the key to our realtor. We met her at about 8:30 in a dark CVS parking lot. She gave us the key and said good luck.
At about 9pm we went to the house (with a flashlight... it was pitch black out) and tried the key. WE WERE FINALLY IN THE HOUSE!! I was so excited for the day to be over. I spent all day Thursday cleaning and by the weekend we had started painting. Details on that later. For now... Here are some pictures of the house.

Please note these pictures are from the MLS listing. This is how it looked when we decided to purchase. I will be updating once projects are complete. Stay tuned :)
Congrats!! Can't wait to see update posts!!