Second, with in a week of the engagement... we miraculously found a house we loved! Yes, you read that right. I just finished posting about how house hunting is tough, and then out of no where... a house popped into our extended price range that we had to go see immediately. The deal is not sealed yet... in fact it won't be sealed till every single paper is signed, but I was too excited not to share. Once everything is final- I will share some details with you.
So- I have pretty much been crazy with house stuff. Inspections, mortgage stuff, researching boilers, (a story for another day)... and general preparing for Thanksgiving and a rush on Christmas wreaths in the shop. Sales have been picking up, I am slightly unprepared, but I can do anything when I put my mind to it and its proven that I work well under pressure.
Hopefully I will be back soon with some good news and more posts! Stay tuned and Happy Thanksgiving!
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